It is often thought that doing a project yourself will save you time and money. But we can confidently say as licensed electricians, this is not always true for electrical work. We have seen too many customers’ homes that attempted DIYs that needed fixing or have caused larger issues. Consider the following before taking on that project alone.
Risk # 1 Electrical Injury
When working around electricity, it is no surprise that one concern is being shocked. Residential home power is 120/240v.. These are significant to give a decent shock. Larger appliances like dryers, ovens etc., have a higher voltage at around 240 volts. All voltage is dangerous. Licensed residential electricians are in school for many years to ensure the most safety and knowledge while working on electrical projects. The most common mistakes we see are failure to cut off the breaker and turning off the incorrect circuits. Your life is not worth it. Call a professional.
Risk # 2 Expensive Repairs
The best way to avoid unnecessary expensive repairs when it comes to electrical work is to leave It to the professionals. As a DIYer, you may think taking on a risky electrical project will save you money overall, but here is why that is not true. Managing something complex like electrical work without a true understanding of how it all works can lead to overlooked mistakes which can cause costly repairs and or damage at worst case bodily harm or death.
Risk #3 Inspection Issues
When a home is built and the electrical foundation is laid out, licensed electricians will have to pass a series of inspections before power can be safely used throughout the home. As a DIYer, it may seem easy to hide un-inspected repairs behind dry wall and up high in attics, but true trouble will show face when you go to sell your home, and it does not pass inspection. This is also an easily avoided expense. Get the job done right the first time, call an electrician to look at your desired home project before diving in solo.
It’s not worth the injury, overlooking legal inspections and the expensive repairs due to mistakes to attempted electrical work solo. DIY has a time and place. Electrical work is just not it. We recommend calling a trained and trusted professional to assist you with your project needs.